Dynamic content

How to create customized web experience with Evelean


Evelean platforms considers three types of content:

Editorial content

Articles for media or institutional sites, product or services description for B2B or B2C organizations. Illustrations from any kind (images, video, etc) is also part of that content.

Call to actions

Any link that can be associated to an article and relating to another content: correlated content, associated services, cross referenced products, special event or promotion, etc.


Forms used to collect visitors information and convert them into leads.

With Evelean you can build customized web experience using and mixing any type of content. Furthermore, you can decide upon different scenario based on the visitor segment and/or a given milestone into the conversion funnel.

You measure immediately the performances of any new content. You can then fine tune and adjust dynamically your publications, even proceed with A/B tests, look at Heat maps or Scroll Maps, and then decide upon the best way to promote your content.

Use cases

Media sites

I want to reduce the bounce rate and propose relevant content on my web site, based on my visitors personas. Evelan can detect most preferred content, segment by segment and propose anywhere on your web site the best engaging content. You may also fine tune your correlation strategy and leverage from past but efficient content, not only from a tagging point of view, but more importantly from an interest point of view.


Additional services are key in the automotive sector. Associated margins are very important too for your profitability. Small details can make the difference between closing a deal or loosing a customer. With Evelean you can associate touchpoints (forms) with what clients really expect, segment by segment. Financing ? Insurance ? Maintenance services ? You best know your customers. Use Evelean to implement your most efficient commercial proposals over the Internet, just like you would do every day on the field in your concessions.


With an heavy traffic and many references, improving your conversion rate is about small details. There again, you first need to understand what customers expect. Which product will best attract my visitors? How can I best convert them ? Is there any special promotion that helps my conversions? Will that be the same for all visitors ? Evelean helps you understand customer expectations, segment by segment, in order to achieve better performances. You will then be able to decide which product image, which form, at which instant of the customer journey is best boosting your conversion rate.

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