Performances Forecast

Forecast your future performances and anticipate the market trends


Be the first to know

Based upon your track record, Evelean AI engine predicts the future performances of your trafic and your conversions. Global trend on the short or the middle term is not necessarily easy to anticipate. Evelean algorithms can detect future evolutions over your global audience or even segment by segment. Before your competitors, you can tell how your market is evolving !


Forecast is showing a future rapid growth of your leads generation. You can anticipate and plan for an extension of your sales resources.

Your performances dashboard is showing flat activity. But Evelean tells you it actually varies from one segment to another, some of them being in growth, some others with declining performances. You can then put priority on what deserves your attention.

You just completed a promising week in term of sales activity. However the forecast looks worying for the near future. You can anticipate this future loss of performances and take action now !

Compare and adjust

Evelean tells you how reality aligns with the predictions. This helps you analyse and measure the efficiency of your past actions, for you to adjust and become more agile.

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