Headless CMS for Concrete5 Agency

Evelean is an end-to-end content marketing solution, using Concrete5 CMS open source framework. It provides headless CMS technology for Concrete5 Agency.


Welcome to Concrete5 Agency community

We offer to the Concrete5 Agency community the possibility to conduct advanced tests with Evelean on a fully dedicated instance. Besides, any Concrete5 Agency will be offered the benefits as follows:

Concrete5 Agency community benefits

Special PRICES

Convert your client web sites into AI ready marketing platforms

All Concrete5 CMS web sites you have built and that you maintain for your clients can very easily integrate Evelean technology. Evelean is a standard Concrete5 package that you can add as a new Functionnality.

Installing Evelean will give the benefits as follows on your clients web sites:

- Traffic and conversion analysis, with AI segmentation,

- Heat Maps on all pages,

- Full Headless CMS capability to create advanced content,

- Dynamic content, that adapts automatically to the visitor, in order to create customized web experience.

With your Concrete5 expertise and Evelean technology, you can also reach out to new clients, new sectors and grow your portfolio.

Finally, special prices can be offered to your clients.

Support can be provided to help you get the most of Evelean technology. Don't hesitate to contact us for any inquiry at sales@evelean.com. You may also apply for a free demo on line:

Evelean Demo - 30 mn

What is Evelean

Evelean is an content marketing platform that uses artificial intelligence to help you segment anonymous visitors and personalize their experience.

Evelean is different

Many martech players can offer some level of improvement of your digital marketing performances. What we propose is different and will allow you to move one step ahead, faster and with simplicity.

  • Use an end-to-end AI marketing platform. Marketing departments often have to operate multiple solutions that don't necessarily integrate to each other. Traffic segmentation, content scoring, dashboarding, customized content, leads qualification, campaign management ... with Evelean, you benefit from an all-in-on solution.
  • Classify your visitors now. You don't need to implement complex segmentation algorithms, waiting for months of data processing before having a working classification model. Evelean is market agnostic and user centric. It gives you results immediatly.
  • We work at the very top of the funnel, classifying and guiding anonymous visitors from the early stage to the final goal with a set of tailored messages.
  • Personalize everything: Headlines, editorial content and even the layout of your web pages. Product description, promotions and associated services. Form fields and format.

The basic elements of Evelean

In Evelean, you have three main elements to consider

  • Articles: the content is key to engage the visitors. With Evelean you can fine tune your content according to each segment;
  • Forms: the call-to-actions and forms that convert a visitor into a lead. With Evelean you can fine tune your touchpoints according to each segment;
  • Leads: Evelean allows you to categorize your leads by segment. This will improve your performances in term of leads nurturing.

You may monitor and manage day-by-day performances of your web site directly on the Evelean dashboard.

Every statistical information in the Dashboard is meant to show the efficiency of your tactics upon each segment of visitors. Besides, you can rely upon Evelean forecast capabilities to predict future performances on your existing pages and future publications.

Hosting and security aspects

Evelean architecture is based upon Amazon Web Service.

All our client web sites are hosted on AWS, also using S3 for media storage.

High standard hosting services and persistent data storage (up to 100 GB) are part of all Evelean subscription plans.

We also provide DNS Services as well as SSL certificates (QuoVadis Global SSL ICA G3)

Advance use and Corporates needs

Don't hesitate to contact us for complex implementations needs. Advanced architectures, monitoring, high availibility, extra storage needs, VPC facilities can de deployed on demand.


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